Register today for The Truth About Lyme online conference broadcasting on February 6 – 10 hosted by Dr. Tom Moorcroft.
Speaking will be two ASPIRE Professional Advisory Board Members Nancy O’Hara MD, MPH, FAAP, and Shannon Delaney, MD. Plus, Dr. Tom Moorcroft and Dr. Roseanne Capanna-Hodge. All four speakers have done articles and interviews for ASPIRE on Lyme disease and Tick-Borne Illness. (Click on the links on their names to connect to the articles.)
The path to finding answers and a road to recovery for Lyme Disease and chronic illness can be quite the struggle. With more than 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease in the US every year it’s important that we address this crisis and help those who are suffering.
That is why for the first time, Dr. Tom Moorcroft is bringing together doctors of osteopathic medicine, medical doctors, naturopathic physicians, professors, and therapists from around the world for a special free online conference to explore:

- The latest scientific breakthroughs for treating Lyme Disease and Co-infections and how to effectively implement them to optimize healing
- Why treating Lyme Disease and Co-infections is so complicated and how to dramatically improve outcomes using both conventional and other approaches
- How to manage the often long, circuitous path to healing from Lyme disease
You can register at no cost for this online conference today for a limited time.
See you at the conference and when you register you’ll also receive two free reports.
So many great lectures, including:
- Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome – What You Must Know with Scott Antoine, DO
- Emerging Evidence-Based Co-infection Treatments with Tom Moorcroft, DO
- PANS & PANDAS: Novel Immunotherapy Transforming a Devastating Illness into a Treatable Disorder with Helminth Therapy with Nancy H. O’Hara, MD, MPH, FAAP
- PANS/PANDAS: What Every Parent Should Know with Roseann Capanna-Hodge
- Borrelia Miyamotoi Seroreactivity in a Clinical Population with Shannon Delaney, MD
- Herbal Treatment of Lyme Disease with Darin Ingels, ND
- Building Resilience in Your Kids – A Fireside Chat with Holistic Mama Doc, Elisa Song, MD
See ASPIRE’s section on Tick-Borne illness to read interviews with many of the speakers.