Whether you’re a long-time supporter or new friend, will you please help provide educational programs, materials, and support for families, educators, legislators, doctors, and more?

Donate Today!

Your support reaches five core audiences (General Public, Patients/Families, Schools, Legislators, Providers) which increases awareness and understanding of PANS PANDAS nationally while providing critical support to all community members. You are the key to supporting and educating the community. Will you donate today to support critical programs?


The Alliance to Solve PANS and Immune-Related Encephalopathies (ASPIRE) serves children, adults, families, doctors, and educators affected by PANS, PANDAS and other immune-related encephalopathies.

Every day the community comes to ASPIRE to ask for help. Unfortunately, the reality is that many families see several doctors before receiving the correct diagnosis of PANS PANDAS. Meanwhile, symptoms worsen, and patients and families are struggling financially, scholastically, and emotionally.

In a nutshell, everyone needs a better understanding of PANS PANDAS (the why’s, what’s, and how’s) plus ways to help improve outcomes while alleviating the suffering that comes with this devastating but treatable illness. Patients and families want faster access to appropriate care and strategies to navigate their new day-to-day life that PANS PANDAS has brought upon them. Schools seek further education on how to support their students appropriately. Legislative advocates want tools to help advocate for legislation that will improve the lives of those with PANS PANDAS. Finally, providers want to understand this disorder better and want accessible support for their patients outside of their office.

ASPIRE Programs

ASPIRE in Action – We empower and connect our community with tools and resources for advocacy, education, support, and awareness.

ASPIRE programs reach five core audiences to increase awareness and understanding of PANS PANDAS on a national level while providing critical support to all members of our community.

  1. National General Public
  2. Families & Patients
  3. Schools & Educators
  4. Legislators
  5. Providers

For full screen, click the symbol on the lower right hand of the video.

We will continue our school in-service education program that we launched in 2020; we have spoken at schools from Massachusetts to Illinois, down to Tennessee, across to Colorado, and everywhere in between. We are providing new literature to doctors to help them better support families. Stayed tuned for a few more programs we are developing.  This winter, we launched a webinar program free of charge to our community. All of our programs are made possible by donors like you.

Recently, we have expanded and improved our collection of ASPIRE toolkits and handouts, providing information at your fingertips and making it easy to share information on PANS PANDAS. In addition, our board, volunteers, and Professional Advisory Board are updating a couple of existing toolkits and writing a few new ones we know our community needs. We can’t wait to share them with you. Additionally, we have added several new pages to our content-rich website, such as our Behavioral Health section.

ASPIRE looks forward to sharing the projects and initiatives we are working hard on behind the scene with you soon. So, make sure you have signed up for our newsletter and follow us on social media. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter.

Every gift helps us continue our work to empower all affected by PANS, PANDAS and immune-related encephalopathies. Please donate to ASPIRE.

Please help close the gap between the onset of symptoms and the start of treatment while providing support through their journey. We can’t do it without your help.

Learn more from Dritan Agalliu, PhD, ASPIRE Professional Advisory Board, on why ASPIRE needs funding to provide programs that educate, create awareness, and provide support.


You Can Provide Hope & Create Change!

ASPIRE PANS PANDAS fundraiserWe know you support and understand ASPIRE’s mission to improve the lives of those affected by PANS, PANDAS, and related encephalopathies. Please help continue and expand needed programs that provide critical education, which will help close the gap between the onset of symptoms and treatment. Families, providers, patients, educators, and legislators depend on donors like you.

Would you please donate to ASPIRE today?

Donate Today!

I am determined to do what I can to find solutions and help end the suffering endured by those affected by PANS/PANDAS and related disorders, which is exactly what ASPIRE aims to do. Join me in supporting its mission.

Jan Blanchard

Ways to Donate to ASPIRE

  • Donate online!
  • Your employer may match your donation!
    Check with your employer to see if they will match your donation to ASPIRE.
  • Donations by check can be mailed to:
    ASPIRE, PO Box 100, Cottleville, MO 63338
  • Questions? Please contact ASPIRE.

Donate Now!

Ways to Support ASPIRE


Check out ASPIRE’s new online store. Shop and help us increase awareness around PANS & PANDAS while raising funds. Your support is critical to our mission! Tshirts, Cups, Sweatshirts, Stickers, Bags, Thermoses, and more!


APIRE PANS PANDAS Donate support Merchandise APIRE PANS PANDAS Donate support Merchandise APIRE PANS PANDAS Donate support Merchandise APIRE PANS PANDAS Donate support Merchandise

    Shop Amazon Smile

    amazon smile donate aspire fundraiseAmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support ASPIRE every time you shop, at no cost to you.

    • Locate ASPIRE at smile.amazon by searching for “Alliance to Solve Pans and Immune-Related Encephalopathies”
    • Select ASPIRE to be your Charity.
    • Create a bookmark and use this link to donate 0.5% to ASPIRE with all qualifying purchases.

    Amazon Smile


    You are an integral part of the progress our community needs to improve the lives of those affected by PANS PANDAS. With your support, we can impact our community in a lasting way. Your donation will help close the gap between the onset of symptoms and the start of appropriate treatment. We can’t do it without you. Every gift helps us continue our work to empower all affected by PANS, PANDAS and immune-related encephalopathies.

    Be a hero. Empower. Support. Donate.

    Donate Now!