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PANS (Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome.) is a clinical diagnosis based on a child’s medical history and physical examination. PANS diagnostic criteria are based on the acute onset of OCD and/or eating restrictions, with concurrent symptoms in at least 2 of 7 neuropsychiatric and somatic categories.
PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome Associated with Streptococcus) is a subset of PANS, specifically Group A Strep (GAS) infections, which can occur in many parts of the body – not just the throat. Find the right provider for you in your area using our provider directory.
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Every year patients with PANS PANDAS go too long undiagnosed and without appropriate treatment. But you can help ASPIRE change that. Whether you have been diagnosed with PANS PANDAS or care about someone who has, we invite you to share your voice in the fight against this devastating disease. By being a PANS PANDAS Champion to help raise awareness about PANS PANDAS while lending support to those affected by it.
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Learn about other families whose lives have been affected by PANS/PANDAS — and be inspired to share your own.

Case Study – Recovering from PANS, Lyme, CIRS
A Talk with Nathan Who is Recovering from PANS/PANDAS, Lyme & CIRS Gabriella: I had a chat with Dr. Nancy O’Hara, Nathan, and his mom a few years ago and […]

For my son, symptom onset was not overnight. He had so many health issues starting the first few weeks of life, which continued throughout his early childhood. His body was in a near-constant state of infection and inflammation. Add his medical history to a family history riddled with autoimmune and strep-related health issues and it is no wonder that my son has PANS/PANDAS.

My message to parents is to listen to your child and trust yourself. We all have strong parental instincts for a reason. I know there will be days when all you want to do is hide under the covers and shut the world out. But, perhaps there will be days when your child is healthy enough that you start to forget how bad it was.

Family Story – It Was Not Autism
April 12th, 2019, is a day I will never forget. It was exactly one week after my daughter’s 4th birthday, a Friday. Springtime, my favorite time of the year, the buds of my favorite wisteria, were just starting to crack open. As the seasons change, our life was about to change dramatically. Our four-year-old daughter, the youngest of five kids, awoke possessed.