PANS & Eating Disorder/Food Restrictions & Toolkits/Handouts
PANS PANDAS & Eating Disorders/Food Restrictions – Full Packet of Recent studies and Flyer. Please note that the Flyer is also available in two poster sizes...
PANS PANDAS & Eating Disorders/Food Restrictions – Full Packet of Recent studies and Flyer. Please note that the Flyer is also available in two poster sizes...
No matter the length of time a student misses school, communication between families, school professionals and medical professionals is essential to making sure the student’s needs are met....
PANS & Eating Restrictions This section on Restrictive Eatings at School is part of a larger section on Restrictive Eating seen in PANS PANDAS. Make sure to read the entire...
Track and Rate PANS PANDAS Symptoms Tracking symptoms is a critical part of making a clinical diagnosis and forming treatment plans. ASPIRE has assembled the most used symptom tracking and...
PANS/PANDAS is not the same as traditional OCD or a tic disorder; the onset and concurrent symptoms and, in some cases, the severity of the OCD set these disorders apart....
What is the relationship between PANS & PANDAS and Tourette Syndrome? Susan Swedo, MD and Gabriella True sit down to discuss the relationship between PANS & PANDAS and Tourette syndrome....
Sensory & Motor Abnormalities are one of the main PANS PANDAS symptom categories In PANS, sensory and motor abnormalities both fall into one of the seven categories of the PANS...
At first glance, someone PANS and someone with OCD may appear pretty similar. They both have obsessions, compulsions, anxiety, and these symptoms cause significant distress, interfere with daily...
Development and Retention of Fine Motor and Handwriting Skills By Jennifer Leiman M.S. OTR/L PANS PANDAS can affect many aspects of daily functioning. One of the categories of the PANS...
Anxiety is a major symptom of PANS and PANDAS. See more about the PANS PANDAS Diagnostic Criteria and Symptoms. Generalized Anxiety, particularly Separation Anxiety, a hallmark...
Sleep disturbances are common in children with PANS and are part of the diagnostic criteria. See more about the PANS PANDAS Diagnostic Criteria and Symptoms Some have trouble falling asleep...
A new onset of ADHD-like behaviors along with other PANS symptoms is one of the possible signs someone may have PANS...