About Lyme and Co-Infections – Quick List

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For in-depth information, please see ASPIRE’s PANS & Tick-Borne Infection Resource section.

  • Protect yourself! (See Tick Prevention)
    • Wear spray
    • Permethrin clothes
    • Spray your yard
    • Understand where they live
    • Don’t forget your pets, who can bring ticks into the house
    • Have a tick kit in your house and purse, car, backpack
  • Check yourself!
    • Follow our Count to Ten Tick Check!
    • Have someone check your back and head
    • Put your clothes in the dryer for at least 15 minutes
  • Remove ticks correctly! (See Tick Removal)
    • Do Not – twist them, burn them, smother them with anything. These methods will increase the likelihood that they will regurgitate into you, which is how the tick passes the Lyme.
    • Do – 
      • Use a tweezer and get as close to the skin as possible
      • Pull straight up
      • If the tick does not pull easily, apply consistent pulling tension for a few minutes so that it releases on its own.
      • Consider sending the tick to be tested
  • Know some facts!
    • Bullseye rashes only show up about 35% of the time, and not all bullseyes are a perfect bullseye. And there are more rashes than just bullseye.
    • Ticks are polymicrobial; you can be infected by more than one pathogen at once
    • Depending on where the tick is, you may not even notice that you ever had a tick.
    • Transmission time varies from pathogen to pathogen. A tick doesn’t have to be attached for 24-36 to pass Lyme disease.
    • Lyme disease is not the only problem. So, we must be concerned about all ticks, not just deer ticks. Learn about Borellia Miyamotoi, Bartonella, Babesia and more.
    • Ticks are more widespread than some would like to believe. Even if you are not in a known Lyme endemic area doesn’t mean that you may not have ticks.
    • Testing is often flawed for many reasons so take the time to learn about this. Lyme is also a clinical diagnosis.
    • Lyme is a great mimic of other diseases
  • Symptoms can be
  • Keep treating, and don’t give up!
    • Many people need to take an integrative approach to treatment. 
    • Treatment is often not one and done. Expect symptoms to come back, so be prepared with a plan when symptoms relapse

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