Two-Tier Lyme Disease Serology Test Results Can Vary According to the Specific First-Tier Test Used

Alexandra B Maulden, Aris C Garro, Fran Balamuth, Michael N Levas, Jonathan E Bennett, Desiree N Neville, John A Branda, Lise E Nigrovic, for Pedi Lyme Net, Two-Tier Lyme Disease Serology Test Results Can Vary According to the Specific First-Tier Test Used, Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2020, Pages 128–133,

Significant variations in two-tier Lyme disease test results were observed in many children, depending on the specific first-tier test utilized. When dealing with children with a strong clinical suspicion of Lyme disease and an initially negative test result, clinicians should contemplate retesting for Lyme disease.

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