Borrelia burgdorferi adhere to blood vessels in the dura mater and are associated with increased meningeal T cells during murine disseminated borreliosis

li Divan, Timothy Casselli, S. Anand Narayanan, Sanjib Mukherjee, David C. Zawieja, John A. Watt, Catherine A. Brissette, M. Karen Newell-Rogers, Published: May 3, 2018.

Traditionally, mice haven’t shown neuroborreliosis, mirroring human symptoms, but this study achieved colonization of the central nervous system in mice. Using two strains of B. burgdorferi, researchers infected mice through the skin, consistently detecting spirochetes in the brain membranes 75 days post-infection. Live spirochetes were present, adhering to blood vessels, indicating long-term infection. The presence of CD3+ T cells suggested an immune response. These findings provide new avenues for studying neuroborreliosis and may offer insights into potential treatments for patients.

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