Share your PANS PANDAS story about how siblings are affected too!
We know PANS PANDAS happens to the whole family. In preparation for Sibling Awareness week, will you help? We are looking for a handful of people to write about the sibling experience for the ASPIRE PANS PANDAS stories section. We are specifically looking for stories about how PANS affected the siblings without PP. What were some of the things you did that worked? What do you wish you had known before? What are some things that didn’t work? These are real-life stories so they don’t have to be positive, we learn just as much from the negative as the positive.
Feel free to talk about this specific topic but you can expand from there. You and your family determine your level of anonymity. So you can include your full name or something as simple as Lori P or PP Mom from New York. We also love pictures to go along with the story but they are not required. Here is a little more information about PANS PANDAS stories.
If you would like to submit your story, you can submit it via the link or you can email Gabriella True.
Stories are due by April 5th in advance of Sibling Awareness Day on April 10th.
Sibling Support for PANS PANDAS
2 comments to Seeking Stories about Siblings & PANS PANDAS
Mary Clark
March 31, 2021I have two with pandas. Can I submit a story? One is severe and the other has mild symptoms
Gabriella True
March 31, 2021Yes, Absolutely.