Georgia PANS PANDAS Action Updates
The current bill HB140 has strong sponsors from the House Health Committee, but we must have support from key Republican leaders to make it through the Senate. During the 2022-23 legislative session, the House and Senate Health committee passed HB1484 unanimously. Unfortunately, due to time constraints at the end of the 2022 legislative session, the bill died on the table.
HB140 is a very important step forward for minimizing the suffering of children and families affected by PANS/PANDAS in Georgia and around the country. So grateful for the leadership of Chairman Lee Hawkins and the long-term support and guidance of Rep. Karen Bennett and all of HB140’s sponsors. Stay tuned to find out how you can help.
Call To Action
Information on how to get involved with be forthcoming from SEPPA. For updates, please check this page, follow SEPPA, and follow ASPIRE.
For more information: Contact Heather Ward – SEPPA Vice President, via email.
HB 140
Bill Information: State employees; three-year pilot program to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of certain pediatric disorders; provisions
Bill Status: HB 140
Bill Text: Current Bill Language
First Reader Summary: A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Part 1 of Article 1 of Chapter 18 of Title 45 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the state employees’ health insurance plan, so as to provide for a three-year pilot program to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection (PANDAS) and pediatric acute onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS) under the state health benefit plan; to provide for agreements; to provide for an annual report; to provide for related matters; to provide for automatic repeal; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Sponsored By: Lee Hawkins, Mark Newton, Sharon Cooper, Karen Bennet, Katie Dempsey
Referred to: House Health Committee
Past Bills
Key Elements of HB1484:
- Diagnose and treat up to 100 kids each year for three years
- Provide outreach to pediatric providers to help them quickly recognize, diagnose, and appropriately treat PANS PANDAS
- Give providers guidance on coding claims to allow the Dept of Community Health to track the
ASPIRE Letters of Support:
- ASPIRE Board Support Letter – ASPIRE Support for Georgia HB1484
- ASPIRE PAB Support Letter – ASPIRE Professional Advisory Support Georgia HB1484