Perfectionism and Difficulty Controlling Thoughts Bridge Eating Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms: A Network Analysis

Irina A. Vanzhula, Shruti S. Kinkel-Ram, Cheri A. Levinson. Perfectionism and Difficulty Controlling Thoughts Bridge Eating Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms: A Network Analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. Volume 283, 2021,p 302-309, DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.01.083.


  • Difficulties controlling intrusive thoughts is a common symptom between eating disorders and OCD
  • Perfectionism symptoms bridge eating disorders and OCD
  • Restriction links to checking compulsions and rigidity
  • Binge eating links to hoarding symptoms

The presence of intrusive cognitions and maladaptive perfectionism may contribute to the maintenance of co-occurring ED and OCD symptoms. These findings begin to delineate specific pathways among OCD and ED symptoms, which can be used in the development of interventions to disrupt connections among these disorders.


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