Clinical Manifestations of Patients with PANDAS in Patients Followed Up at Srebrnjak Children’s Hospital in 5-Year Period

Sizgoric MK, Kovac Sizgoric M, Miculinic A, et al. Clinical manifestations of patients with PANDAS in patients followed up at Srebrnjak children’s hospital in 5-year period. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2021;106:A169. Article

– 20 children, 16 (80%) male, 4 (20%) female, aged 3 to 11 years (median age 6.5)
-Elevated levels of antistreptolysin titers 19 of 20 (95%). Anti-DNAse-B levels were tested in 7 patients and was elevated in 4 (57%)
-Neuroimaging studies (N=12 or 60%) – no specific findings found
-Family history of tics and autoimmune disorders was positive in N=5

-All patients had OCD and tics with acute onset of symptoms
-Attention disorders N=17 (85%)
-Sleeping difficulties N=4 (20%)
-Speech difficulties N=5 (25%)
-Decline in school performance N=10 (71%)

-15 (75%) patients given first-line antibiotics. In 5 (25%) patients a full regression of symptoms was registered, 10 (50%) had partial improvement, 5 (25%) had no response.
-7 (35%) were given IVIG after initial antibiotic treatment with incomplete regression. Tics persisted in 11 patients and 4 had tics with behavioral difficulties. In 7 patients treated with IVIG we proceeded with parenteral antibiotics because of partial symptom regression and 2 were given corticosteroids (still followed).

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