What do you want people to know about PANS PANDAS?

what do you want people to know about PANS PANSAS ASPIRE sn

Please help ASPIRE with a PANS Awareness Day project.

Please submit one or two sentences on “What do you want people to know about PANS/PANDAS?” via the form below.  We will use your answers on and around October 9th, 2022, and throughout the year.  We would also love for you to submit a more extended Family or Personal PANS Story at any time throughout the year.

If you have more than one point you want people to know about PANS/PANDAS, please fill out the form for each topic separately.

What do you want people to know about PANS PANDAS?

An Awareness Day Project.

  • Just in case there is a question. We will not publish.
  • Please share one or two sentences.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 10.
      If you want to share a photo you can. We are not 100% sure we will use it in this project. But it is nice to have the option. Please upload jpg images. Max file size is 5MB per file. Maximum of 10 photos.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.





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