Kansas PANS PANDAS Updates

HB2110 Passes!

kansas Legislation PANS PANDAS ASPIREHB2110 is a pilot program that will provide coverage for PANS PANDAS under the state health care benefits program and collect data on the impact, utilization, and cost of coverage. Afterwhich the legislators will decide whether or not to require PANS and PANDAS coverage to be mandated for health insurance plans.

The legislator who helped pass this bill said a similar pilot program for autism led successfully to providing coverage for autism-related services.

Bill: HB2110 – Requiring insurance coverage for PANS and PANDAS by the state health care benefits program and requiring the state employee health care commission to submit an impact report on such coverage to the legislature.

Bill Information: Link

HB 2210 Bill: Link

Bill Update: HB2110 was passed on March 23, 2022.  Passed; Yea: 32 Nay: 4

House Bill No. 2110 would require the state health care benefits program to implement
coverage for the diagnosis and prescribed treatment of pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric
syndrome (PANS) and pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with
streptococcal infections (PANDAS), beginning in plan year 2022.

Pursuant to the test tract statute, K.S.A. 40-2249a, on or before March 1, 2023, the
Kansas state employees health care commission shall submit a report regarding the mandated
coverage for PANS and PANDAS with information pertaining to the mandated coverage for PANS

and PANDAS provided during the plan year commencing on January 1, 2023, and ending on December 31, 2023.

(1) The impact that the mandated coverage has had on the state health care benefits
(2) data on the utilization of coverage for PANS and PANDAS and the cost of such
coverage; and
(3) a recommendation whether such mandated coverage should continue for the state
health care benefits program or whether additional data is required.

At the next legislative session following receipt of the report, the legislature may consider
whether or not to require PANS and PANDAS coverage be mandated for health insurance plans
on or after July 1, 2024.

The bill becomes effective upon publication in the statute book.


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