ASPIRE will have a table at the NEDA Walk in Hartford, Connecticut!
If you have registered for the NEDA Hartford Walk on June 1st, make sure to stop by the ASPIRE table and say hello to Paula Penna, one of our key volunteers!
The walk is at the Riverfront Fairgrounds in Glastonbury and starts at 9:00 am.
Register: NEDA CT
Restricted Eating and PANS PANDAS
Restricted Eating and OCD are the two major symptoms in the diagnostic criteria for PANS. Roughly 50% of PANS patients will have some degree of restrictive eating, and about 17% will have life-threatening issues as a result. Restrictive eating can include both food and fluids. Restrictive eating includes avoidance of particular foods and fluids and restricting the intake amount.
If your child has new or suddenly increased food avoidance or eating restriction along with other behavior, neurological or cognitive changes, it might be due to PANS/PANDAS. Food restrictions and OCD are the two top-tier symptoms of PANS. For more information on PANS PANDAS Symptoms.
Read more about PANS and Restricted Eating