Always my Brother: A Resource for Siblings of Children with PANS, PANDAS, Lyme, Bartonella, ASD, Autism regression and Autoimmune Encephalitis

Always my Brother: A Resource for Siblings of Children with PANS, PANDAS, Lyme, Bartonella, ASD, Autism regression and Autoimmune Encephalitisby Esther Lutchie

When a child becomes someone you don’t recognize, it’s scary for all those around them. When you watch them go from living a typical life of attending school, playing with friends and enjoying activities to becoming overwhelmed with debilitating psychiatric, cognitive and physical symptoms? These kids are suffering from an autoimmune disorder so woefully misunderstood and leaves thier siblings confused and overwhelmed. The healthy sibling may feel left out and alone. Sad and dejected thier imagination can take them on a ride. This book fosters communication about the illness and helps normalize what family life is like when dealing with this dreaded condition.

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