Fine Motor Skills & Handwriting Deterioration in PANS PANDAS
Development and Retention of Fine Motor and Handwriting Skills By Jennifer Leiman M.S. OTR/L PANS PANDAS can affect many aspects of daily functioning. One of the categories of the PANS...
Development and Retention of Fine Motor and Handwriting Skills By Jennifer Leiman M.S. OTR/L PANS PANDAS can affect many aspects of daily functioning. One of the categories of the PANS...
Michelle Newby is running another free webinar for Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants wanting to learn more about PANS PANDAS and how they can best support their client's...
April is Occupational Therapy Month Please read our blog on Occupational Therapy for...
Michelle Newby, BHSc(OT), MSc discusses with ASPIRE how occupational therapy helps PANS/PANDAS patients. Michelle Newby BHSc(OT), MSc, is a PhD Candidate at the University of Newcastle, NSW,...
Free Online Seminar for Educators on PANDAS/PANS is now available through the University at Buffalo Occupational Therapy and the incredible Jan Trigilio...
Janice Trigilio Tona; Sutanuka Bhattacharjya; Denise Calaprice
Children with PANS present with pervasive occupational performance needs during exacerbation. Children and families may benefit from accommodations to maximize function during this turbulent period.