Oxidative stress and gut-derived lipopolysaccharides in children affected by paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections

Loffredo, L., Spalice, A., Salvatori, F., De Castro, G., Guido, C. A., Zicari, A. M., Ciacci, P., Battaglia, S., Brindisi, G., Ettorre, E., Nocella, C., Salvatori, G., Duse, M., Violi, F., & Carnevale, R. (2020). Oxidative stress and gut-derived lipopolysaccharides in children affected by paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections. BMC pediatrics, 20(1), 127. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-020-02026-8

“This study shows that children affected by PANDAS have high circulating levels of sNOX2-dp, isoprostanes and of LPS that could be involved in the process of neuroinflammation.”


PANS Rocks!  Come Join the Fun!  Paint Rocks and Spread Awareness! ASPIRE spoke with Michelle Dowd, who has started a fun project for kids with PANS/PANDAS that also helps spread...

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Benjamin’s Family

It is clear that not enough parents and professionals are educated about PANDAS. My pediatrician apologized to me for not diagnosing my son properly. She said that the children in her practice that have PANDAS could not function at all and were curled up in a ball and could not go to school. She said she learned a lot that the symptoms can vary in severity, and not all PANDAS kids have the same symptoms.

Immuno-moodulin: A new anxiogenic factor produced by Annexin-A1 transgenic autoimmune-prone T cells

GiuseppaPiras, LorenzaRattazzi
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 29 February 2020

Patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) have increased levels of Immuno-moodulin (Imood), a protein in their lymphocytes, a type of immune cell.

Anxious mice returned to normal in a couple of days after being given an antibody that blocked Imood. Twenty-three people with OCD and twenty healthy people without OCD were tested; Imood expression was about six times higher in those with OCD. Additional research indicates the same protein, Immod, is elevated in ADHD.