Tick-Borne Infection Additional Resources
Tick Resources Tick Types, Tick Stages, Tick Diseases Tick Type & Stage Identification Chart List of Tick Borne Diseases Tick Table Tick Life Cycle CDC AKC Lyme Disease Rash Examples...
Tick Resources Tick Types, Tick Stages, Tick Diseases Tick Type & Stage Identification Chart List of Tick Borne Diseases Tick Table Tick Life Cycle CDC AKC Lyme Disease Rash Examples...
Anti-lysoganglioside and other anti-neuronal autoantibodies in post-treatment Lyme Disease and Erythema Migrans after repeat infection
Brian A.Fallon, BarbaraStrobino, SeanReim, JulieStoner, Madeleine W.Cunningham Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health, Volume 2, February 2020, 100015. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbih.2019.100015
This study examines molecular mimicry targeting neural tissue after Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) infection. Patients with Lyme disease have a greater frequency of specific anti-neuronal autoantibodies and functional neuronal activation compared to community controls without a history of Lyme disease.
Polymicrobial nature of tick-borne diseases 430 of 678 (63%) positive for at least one human pathogen 57% Adults/27% Nymphs – Lyme 14% Adults/15% Nymphs -Babesia 14% Adults/2% Nymphs –...
Rhee H, Cameron D. Lyme disease and pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS): an overview. Int J Gen Med. 2012;5:163-174
B. burgdorferi and GAβHS are very different microorganisms that evade the immune system and invade a wide variety of tissues, including the central nervous system (CNS). Lyme and PANS can have periods of active disease and periods of remission. Both infections cause physical, neurological, and cognitive symptoms.