Caregiver Experience in PANS/PANDAS
Applied Health Science – School of Public Health and Health Systems University of Waterloo
Examining caregivers’ lived experiences since their child’s (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infections) PANDAS diagnosis
As a participant in this study, you would be asked to take part in an interview that will take approximately 30 minutes to an hour. You will engage in an open dialogue and answer a number of questions which will focus on your lived experience since your child’s PANDAS diagnosis, including access to treatment and changes in your family dynamic.
This study is conducted as an undergraduate thesis project at the University of Waterloo, Faculty of Applied Health Science
For more information regarding the study, or how to be a participant, please contact: Altea Kthupi, Applied Health Science – University of Waterloo
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee.
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